Saturday, May 23, 2009

Miss A's Birthday

I can't wax nostalgic about the day that Audrey was born like so many other mothers do on their children's birthday.

I can't, because I wasn't there.

I don't know what I was doing on May 7, 2007. Probably everyday mundane tasks like making phone calls or grocery shopping. I'd like to say that at 7:20 pm I paused in whatever I was doing- that as Audrey was taking her first breath and seeing the world for the first time that I had some sort of premonition that my daughter had just been born.

But I didn't.

On May 7, 2007 I had no idea that my life would soon change forever because a beautiful baby girl had just been born in a hospital in another state. I had no idea that my dream of being a mother would soon be a reality.

It kills me a little bit each time I think that I missed out on such a hugely important day in my daughter's life. That I wasn't there to hold her or kiss her, to gaze into her eyes in her first few moments. But these thoughts are always quickly followed by an overwhelming gratitude to the woman who did give her birth. The brave woman who gave Audrey life, and then selflessly gave me the opportunity to be a Mother. Thank you Megan. Thank you so much.

I wasn't there that day, but I am here now, to celebrate the second anniversary of the day that this special little girl was born and blessed not one, but two families. Everytime she looks at me with those big eyes and smiles or calls me Mama I have to pinch myself to make sure that she's really here, that she's really mine. She's the greatest miracle in my life and I love her so much.

Happy Birthday Audrey
love, Mom