Friday, February 20, 2009

We have great friends

We went to church in our old ward today to attend a baby blessing for our friends Art and Maureen's baby girl Mia. It was so fun to see everyone there that we've missed so much. It was also surprisingly emotional for me.

When we moved to our townhouse in Boise and attended church for the first time we had been trying to get pregnant for two years already and were really, really struggling with that. As we met and got to know more people at our church it became clear to us that we had been guided there for a reason. There were many other couples our age that we quickly became close with that were having the same problems. It made such a difference to us to have sympathetic friends who knew exactly what we were dealing with, who were experiencing the same struggles. Now, two years later, we all have children. Every single one of us. And today as I sat next to Maureen in that familiar chapel, holding my sweet daughter on my lap and watched her rock her long-awaited baby to sleep I was so thankful to my Heavenly Father for two things: as always, I was grateful for the miracle of my baby girl and I was also so thankful for good friends.

The great people that we came in contact with in our church have helped me through the most difficult trial that I have experienced so far. As it says in this article (it's great, check it out) some say that religion is a "crutch". And, I must admit that I've used it as one. I've relied on the faith of others when mine wasn't up to par. I've attended church because I knew I was "supposed to" even when I've been angry and empty inside. And my religion has always been there for me. But it's more that just something to lean on. It's also made me stronger. My religion and the people that share my faith have helped me heal.

As I sat next to Maureen today and sang Christmas hymns, and looked around at so many people who I love so much, I was so grateful for our time in the 16th ward and the friendships that we've made that I hope will last for a very long time.

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