Friday, November 20, 2009

Favorite Moments In My Life Right Now

written 6/08/08

When Justin gets home from work. I'm usually in the kitchen working on dinner, he comes in and talks to me for a few minutes then picks up Audrey and heads upstairs to change out of his suit. From the kitchen I hear Audrey yell "deedle deedle da!" and then Justin yells back "deedle deedle da!" and she giggles. Her little voice- "da da sha ra!" and then he answers "da da sha ra!" more giggling. This is a game that can go on for quite awhile and I can picture them both- Audrey sitting on the bed while Justin hangs up his tie...It always makes me laugh while I'm cooking.

When we get home from church. We walk in the door and I kick off my heels while Justin loosens his tie. The house is still mostly clean from when I cleaned it on Friday and there's cold soda waiting for us in the fridge. We change into comfortable clothes and put Audrey down for a nap then work on dinner together. I love the feeling of knowing that there isn't anything that has to be done, that we can just relax together and read the newspaper or take a drive or go on a walk.

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